Opening Of New Eton Fives Courts At Holyport College
Alex Knight reports:
21/10/24: On Saturday 12th October, the first Eton Fives courts to be built at a school new to Eton Fives for at least 70 years were officially opened at Holyport College.
Despite the overcast weather, there was a palpable enthusiasm and excitement from all those present, with over 70 people turning out for the occasion including Holyport staff, pupils, governors and parents, contractors from the construction partners, donors, and representatives from Eton College, the EFA, local clubs and the wider Fives community.
Many attendees availed themselves of the opportunity to ‘have a go’ playing on the new facilities, including a group from the firm that built the courts, Morris & Blunt, several school governors, and the newly appointed Headmaster, Alastair Ingall.
A commemorative stone plaque was unveiled by Holyport’s Chair of Governors, Bruce Powell and EFA President, Richard Black, and after thanks was given to all those involved in making the project such a success, guests headed inside to the school’s refectory and a fantastic buffet lunch.
Fortunately, it was during this break in proceedings that the rain chose to fall in earnest, so that by the time the group reconvened for the afternoon exhibition games, blue sky and sunshine were predominant. Top billing was given to Alex Abrahams, Gwydion Wiseman, Fred Prickett and Ryan Perrie, the first three of whom had already played a Division 1 fixture at Eton that morning but somehow still managed to provide a couple of hours of energetic, high quality Fives. The other courts featured boys’ and mixed pair games between Etonian and Holyport pupils, followed by further ad hoc pairings.
A memorable and historic day, and one that will live long in the minds of all those involved.