Michael Constantinidi 1928-2019: A Tribute
26/02/20: That Eton fives should become a headline in an obituary in both The Times and The Daily Telegraph, endorses the considerable achievements of the EFA's former Chairman and President, Michael Constantinidi.
David Lee (1934-2019)
"Au Revoir Partner". Richard Corner writes:
18/09/19: I am writing this in memory of David S.W. Lee, who recently passed away at his home in Bawtry, near Doncaster.
John Leaf
Dale Vargas writes:
04/02/19: John Leaf, who died in October 2018 aged 92, was a polymath.
Anne, with David Guilford, at the opening of the sixteenth court at Eton
Elizabeth Anne Shortland-Jones - Nee Young (1931 - 2018)
Anne Shortland-Jones will be remembered in Fives circles as the devoted wife of the EFA's late President, Martin, whom she supported wholeheartedly in his passion for the game.
Duncan Beardmore-Gray 1927-2018
18/04/18: The Eton Fives community was saddened to hear of the recent death of Duncan Beardmore-Gray at the age of 90.
Tony Baden Fuller (1938-2018)
Nick Preston writes:
Tony Baden Fuller saved the game of Eton Fives from disappearing into an abyss when the game’s sole manufacturer and supplier of balls suddenly collapsed in 1960. Tony invented a new ball and in so doing, he revolutionised the way the game was played. Today, anyone who plays Eton Fives, plays with the Baden Fuller ball.
Brian Smallwood (1932-2017)
Old Salopian Brian Smallwood died in 2017 at the age of 85. Below is his obituary from the Old Salopian magazine.
David Smout (1937-2017)
David Smout, who died in 2017 at the age of 80, was an Old Salopian Fives player. Below is his obituary from the Old Salopian magazine.
Roland Williams, back row, far left, in a St.Olave's school team from the early 1960s.
Roland Williams
Dick Spooner writes: Roland Williams, whose career was as a broker and underwriter in the City, was secretary of the Old Olavians Fives Club from 1969 to 1974, which coincided with what was then the most successful period in the club's history. He served on the EFA Committee and was also a Jester.
Mike Harding
Tributes to Mike Harding, former Honorary Secretary of the Old Salopian Eton Fives Club from 1979 to 1998, have been pouring in since his untimely death at the age of 68.