Howard Fabian (1909-1984)
This obituary is taken from "A History of Eton Fives" by Dale Vargas and Peter Knowles.
Howard Fabian (1909-1984)
This obituary is taken from "A History of Eton Fives" by Dale Vargas and Peter Knowles.
TG Lund 1906-1981
Sir Thomas Lund CBE, Kinnaird Cup finalist in 1936 and EFA Treasurer from 1934-47 was a distinguished solicitor, best remembered as the originator of our national legal aid scheme.
Guy Butler (1899-1981)
Guy Montagu Butler was the son of Edward Montagu Butler, Harrow House Master, and grandson of Dr H Montagu Butler, former Head Master of Harrow.
WE "Ebby" Gerrish (1898-1978)
The Committee deeply regrets to record the death on June 7, 1978, in his eightieth year, of W.E. "Ebby" Gerrish, OBE.
Jack Peterson
(extract from the Eton Fives Association Annual Report 1977/78)
To his contemporaries at Shrewsbury Jack Peterson became almost a legend during our schooldays together. Every honour, scholastic or athletic, fell to him naturally and was received and worn with humility.
Hedley Le Bas
(extract from the Eton Fives Association Annual Report 1976/77)
The Committee notes with great regret the announcement of the death of Hedley Le Bas.
John Stephenson (1903-75)
This obituary is taken from "A History of Eton Fives" by Dale Vargas and Peter Knowles. Quetteville (1896-1975)
(extract from the Eton Fives Association Annual Report 1974/75)
Lord Kinnaird (1880-1972)
Extract from the EFA Annual Report 1971/72
The Committee records with deep regret the death of Lord Kinnaird, who had been Patron of the Association since before the war.
S J Hogben
Extract from the Eton Fives Association Annual Report 1970/71