2000 Aldenham Tournament
Graham Pulsford reports:
The year 2000 Heath Tournament took place at Aldenham School on Sunday 16th April in ideal conditions for fives. The sun shone brightly and thanks to the efforts of Andrew Fraser the courts were swept out and in pristine condition.

Torry Hill's 75th Anniversary
Mike Fenn reports:
On the 5th May 2000 the Charitable Trust held its twenty-second committee meeting at Torry Hill Estate, Sittingbourne, Kent as guests of the Patron of the EFA the Rt.Hon.Lord Kingsdown.
2000 Veterans Tournament
Peter Knowles reports:
The sixteenth Over 40s Tournament took place at Eton on Sunday 7th May. Like several other tournaments this year the entry was down on previous years, perhaps due to the timing of Easter plus the proximity to a Bank holiday. However, the small entry of seven pairs was of course very much a case of quality if not quantity!

Fives at High Elms
This Article by Alan Chadwick (Old Olavian) first appeared on the original EFA website in April 2000
When his sons returned from Eton enthusing about a new game they had discovered Sir John Lubbock, later to become Lord Avebury responsible for the introduction of the August Bank Holiday, built for them an Eton Fives court in the garden, against the stable walls of his mansion. One wonders how much it was used. Being a mere fifteen miles from London, at Farnborough, Kent and with a twenty-seven bedroom mansion the Lubbocks presumably had enough visitors to try their hand on court every day now and again. It is less likely to have been used after the London Borough of Bromley took over the estate in 1965, an impression strengthened on seeing the tree growing out of the front step a foot in front of the buttress.
2000 Aberconway Cup
Mike Fenn reports:
The Tenth Championship was held on a sunny day at Eton on Sunday 30th April, a few weeks later than usual following a late Easter. Unfortunately the late Easter, combined with injuries, sons overseas or back at University and the 'retirement' of two Dads gave the lowest turnout since the inauguration of the Championship nine years ago. Fortunately, from an organisational point of view, eight pairs entered (half the 1999 total) including the first Father and Daughter pairing - John and Charlotta Cooley. With Tom unavailable, Peter Dunbar was drafted in to support Graham in defence of the title.

Kinnaird Cup 2000
The preliminary and second rounds, quarter-finals and Pepperpot Trophy Festival took place at Eton this year on 8th and 9th April. Whilst, sadly, the overall entry was down this year to twenty-eight pairs, we were graced by excellent weather, particularly on the Saturday.
2000 Mixed Championships
Howard Wiseman reports:
Without any hard work being involved by the competition organiser, twenty pairs appeared at Highgate on a very sunny Sunday in May, to compete for the title of "Mixed Champions"! For the second year in a row, the following rule was implemented: "the man can only remain in the serving position for one rally." Again, this rule received unanimous approval, since it prevents any player from dominating the match.
2000 Ladies Championships
Howard Wiseman reports:
Twenty-four ladies took part this year, which included four players from Zuoz school in Switzerland. The Tournament date had been moved so that the Swiss Ladies could take part in both this championship and also the schools championships which would commence a few days later. This is an arrangement that will be repeated in future years, alternating with the date of the Mixed Championships.
2000 National Schools' Championships
Mark Williams reports:
1999/00 Keeling Cup: The Tony Hughes Memorial
Malcolm Keeling reports:
This year's tournament was named 'The Tony Hughes Memorial' and dedicated to the most enthusiastic supporter of the Individual Challenge and quite probably of Eton Fives as well. In over forty rounds (all played in London area) over seven years, Tony never missed one!