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Jan 2015: Fives Buzzing at St.Bees

Paul Bowden reports:

It was great to be able to visit St Bees very recently and to discover a great enthusiasm for Fives. This is despite the fact that there has been no coach there since Christmas 2013. New Head of Sport Oliver Rogers is very keen to develop the game and was easily able to muster 30 pupils to come for some coaching on a Saturday. This represents 10% of the entire school.

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EFA Trophy Jan 2015: The Usual Suspects

26/02/15: The EFA Trophy in many ways embodies the soul of the game. It's fun, friendly (most of the time) and the eligibility restrictions mean that there's none of your Cooley type flashiness or show-offery on display here - just an eclectic mix of youngsters on the way up, old 'uns on the way down and plenty who never made it that high in the first place. Eight such teams made it to the start line at Eton yesterday to take part in the qualifying stages of this year's tournament and all went home having taken part in a long and thoroughly enjoyable day of Fives.

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Jan 2015: Berkhamsted Girls Festival

Paul Bowden reports:

Following on from last year’s inaugural festival involving three schools, on 20th January 2015, 40 girls ranging in age from 10 to 18 from five schools gathered at Berkhamsted for an afternoon of fun Fives. Schools represented were Aldenham, Berkhamsted both Senior and Prep, Oakham, Shrewsbury and Stowe.

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Alan Barber Cup Final 2015: Deadly Dozen for the Olavians

Mark Williams reports:

19/01/15: The Alan Barber Cup was won at Eton yesterday by the Old Olavians for the twelfth year in succession, with a 2-1 win over the Old Salopians in the final.

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Graves Cup 2015: Burnell and Morgan Roll Out the Barrel

In recent years it has often been said that the 3rd round of the FA Cup has rather lost its lustre and is no longer one of the standout weekends in the sporting calendar. Many reasons have been put forward for this decline, from the tightening of the Premier League's soulless corporate grip on the game to the fielding of weakened teams to the disappearance of boggy January mudbath pitches and John Motson's fabled sheepskin coat.

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Dec 2014: Three Codes in One Day (Part 2)

Two years after their previous attempt, North Oxford EFC once again undertook the infamous three code challenge last Sunday, with 16 players taking part in mini tournaments of Rugby Fives at Rugby School, Eton Fives at Eton College and Winchester Fives at Winchester College all in one day.

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Dec 2014: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas (at Aldenham anyway)

Players at the Aldenham Heath Fives Club turned out in fancy dress last night (Tuesday 16 December 2014) for an evening of fun and frolics.

The theme this year was pyjamas and onesies with prizes for the best costume.

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Dec 2014: Level 1 Coaching Course Up and Running

Mark Yates reports:

The first ever Level 1 Award in Coaching Fives started at Wolvehampton GS on Saturday 13 December. Staff and senior players from Rydal Penrhos, Colwyn Bay, and senior players from WGS, combined forces to kick off a very enjoyable day. Mixing time in the classroom and sessions on court, all 10 participants have made a fantastic start to their Fives coaching careers. We're looking forward to seeing more Level 1 coaches being brought through at other Fives centres in 2015.

Dec 2014 Just Capital - Dunbar & Cooley Retain the London

08/12/14: Tom Dunbar and Seb Cooley retained their London Tournament title and maintained their unbeaten record together with an emphatic straight games win over main rivals James Toop and Matthew Wiseman at Harrow yesterday.

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Dec 2014: Salopians squeak through to set up ABC Final rematch

01/12/14: The Alan Barber Cup semi-finals were at Eton yesterday afternoon, with the Olavians and the Salopians making it through to set up a replay of last year's final.

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