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The Charitable Trust

The Eton Fives Charitable Trust

What is the Trust?

The Trust was registered, No 1024381, with the Charity Commissioners on 29 July 1993. It was formed because it had become clear that a significant amount of money would be needed to preserve and extend the game. It was also clear that the current financial resources available to Eton Fives were limited and the chances of the governing body, the Eton Fives Association, raising large amounts of money, were small. So the Trust aims to raise money and give grants within the scope of its objects for the benefit of Eton Fives. It is a separate body to the Eton Fives Association.

What are the Objects of the Trust?

"The organisation and provision or assistance in the organisation and provision of facilities which will enable and encourage any persons of either sex up to the age of eighteen years or in the case of persons receiving full time education up to the age of twenty five years to play the game of Eton Fives and thereby to assist in ensuring that due attention is given to the physical education and development of such persons as well as to the development and occupation of their minds"

The Trust has, therefore, a wide remit to help places of education to develop the game. There may also be other centres it can help provided they meet primarily the age restrictions in the objects.

The Trust Deed lists a number of specific activities that will be supported:

Building and maintenance of Eton Fives courts
Provision of coaching and training
Provision of sports equipment
Provision of promotional or teaching materials (e.g. videos and books)

Who are the Trustees?

The number of Trustees shall be no fewer than three and no more than seven. There were three original Trustees. Two of the Trustees are nominated ex-officio by the committee of the Eton Fives Association. Other new Trustees are appointed by the existing Trustees.

The Trustees are: R.Dennis (Chair), D.Vargas, J.Asquith, D.Firth, M.Williams, R.Wood, M.Pett, M.Chinery 

Please feel free to contact any of the Trustees above for information.

How can I help?

By contributing to the EFCT personally

By remembering the Trust in your will

By mentioning the Trust to any of your acquaintances who may be able to help

By persuading any charities or commercial organisations to make a donation to the fund

Any donation, however small, will be greatly appreciated.

There are a number of different ways in which donations may be made to the Trust, either by single payment or by regular payments over a period of time. The Trustees particularly welcome payment under the Gift Aid scheme, where more money will be available to the Trust at no extra cost to yourself, since we would be able to reclaim basic rate income tax.